

The Five Elements of Coaching 

Understanding the five elements of InsideTrack Coaching — and what they mean for student success.

Using coaching to improve outcomes and

bolster student success.


Student coaching. Sounds simple enough, but what separates good coaching from great coaching? Simply put, great coaching not only drives improved enrollment, completion and career readiness among coached students, but also generates actionable insights on how to enhance the experience for all students. InsideTrack Coaches have worked with more than two million students over the last 20 years.  Every type of student at every type of institution. The result? The only student success coaching model that has been proven highly impactful and cost effective in formal independent studies.

In this short video series, listen and learn as InsideTrack Coaches discuss each of the five elements of InsideTrack Coaching, sharing a student success story to highlight each coaching element.

1BuildingRelationships_icon (1)

Building Relationships 

The cornerstone to creating a successful student/coach relationship. 

2Assessing_icon (1)


A thorough, holistic assessment to learn about the student inside — and outside — of school.

3Advancing_icon (1)


Instruction and development come together to advance the student to an actionable next step.



On Friday, April 10, we will discuss supporting students currently considering stopping or dropping out with experts who will share actions you can take immediately.

We hope you will be able to join us in this discussion.


Join Us Friday, April 10



Additional Resources

As we learn more about the COVID-19 pandemic, InsideTrack's Operations team will be adding resources that we have found to be more relevant to students, their families, staff, faculty and surrounding communities.


Medical Resources

Needy Meds - 800-503-6897


Financial Resources

Hospitality Industry -Text: "Help ME" to 619-313-5235

You are Awesome. Don't forget it.

Distillery cornhole post-ironic shaman godard normcore tumblr put a bird on it. Austin bitters vice pitchfork, jean shorts craft beer kickstarter sriracha tilde pop-up fanny pack. Kale chips cold-pressed put a bird on it mumblecore kogi brooklyn farm-to-table blue bottle yuccie authentic kombucha migas. Literally tilde tacos paleo.

4BuildingMotivation_icon (1)

Building Motivation

Connecting the student to the bigger “why” as a way to keep them motivated.

5Strategy_icon (1)


Effective communication requires a unique strategy for each student.


CoachingVideoSeries_ElementsIcons_BuildingRelationships (1)

Coaching Element No. 1

Building Relationships

Learn how coaches use role articulation, authenticity, transparency and compassion to build a solid relationship with students, helping support and guide them through the decision-making process.




CoachingVideoSeries_ElementsIcons_Assessing (1)

Coaching Element No. 2


Hear how a coach used targeted, open-ended questions to help a stalled-out grad student dig deep and go all-in toward a career path where he can truly make a difference. Tough questions and restating his core values got him back on track.



Coaching Element No. 3


Discover how the GROW framework — Goal, Reality, Options, What’s next — shifts a student’s perspective from one of failure to one of success, and helps them unlock their hidden potential. 


CoachingVideoSeries_ElementsIcons_BuildingMotivation (1)

Coaching Element No. 4

Building Motivation

See how helping a student connect their short-term actions (like raising their GPA to get off academic monitoring) to their long-term goals (like additional financial aid) can help them achieve success by earning their degree.


CoachingVideoSeries_ElementsIcons_Strategy (1)

Coaching Element No. 5


Explore how a customized strategy — one that identifies the “WHY,” clarifies expectations and establishes a student-led plan — can help a student overcome obstacles and move forward on their path. 



The Five Elements of Coaching 

In this final video, learn more about the results institutions like yours have seen from adopting InsideTrack's coaching approach.





Responding to a student who is thinking about dropping or stopping out can be extremely challenging.
On April 10 we hosted a webinar that explored tools you can use to understand your students and ensure that you’re responding to students in the most productive way.
Included below is the recording for those interested in the topic or missed the live session. 
Download Slides

You are Awesome. Don't forget it.

Distillery cornhole post-ironic shaman godard normcore tumblr put a bird on it. Austin bitters vice pitchfork, jean shorts craft beer kickstarter sriracha tilde pop-up fanny pack. Kale chips cold-pressed put a bird on it mumblecore kogi brooklyn farm-to-table blue bottle yuccie authentic kombucha migas. Literally tilde tacos paleo.


Additional Resources

How can we help you

bolster student Success?


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